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Golf has been viewed as an escape for older men. A way for them to get a little exercise without having to be drenched in sweat and also have an opportunity to hang out with their friends. Recently golf has become a past time, a sport for several age groups. Most of the dedicated golfers, about 80% of them are men. These men use golf as an escape from everyday life. Especially those who work office jobs and are stuck in a corner office five days out of the week for at least eight hours. Playing golf gives them a chance to be outdoors and take in some fresh air, surrounded by pleasant scenery and at the same time be competitive and have fun with friends.

Golf can also be good for the environment. The golf course provides a managed wilderness in the center of urban areas which provides a lot of greenery and allows everyone to appreciate natures natural beauty. The more greenery there is the more oxygen is expelled in to the air which is great for the health of the community. Golf can also have an effect on health by allowing the players to get some exercise while playing the game. Usually peoples jobs require for them to be desk bound and by playing golf these people who are deprived from some exercise are able to exert themselves with light to moderate exercise. Golf involves having to walk at least two miles which is great for a cardio workout. Golfers are also able to get an upper body workout by swinging their golf clubs for each stroke.

Being competitive is just a part of human nature and golf definitely provides that for the players. Golf allows you to compete with others as well as yourself. By competing with yourself you are able to test out your skills and figure out your weaknesses and strengths to be able to either have to better your game or pat yourself on the back for doing such a great job. Golf has also become a great social event. Friends set a date and come together in order to play a few rounds. Golf is played at such a pace where it creates plenty of opportunity for there to be conversation during the game. This can be great to play catch up with friends you have not seen in a while. Being able to converse while playing has made golf a very popular sport in business circles. Deals and negotiations are able to be made while being able to enjoy a great environment and a great game of golf.

Golf seemed to be only appealing to the upper class but nowadays it's popularity has spread to all classes of society. The influence of popular culture through the media's presentations in movies and television also through magazine publications has made golf a multi-billion dollar industry. We are now seeing celebrities that are adored for being attractive and cool being photographed in golf gear and bragging about how much they love to play. This is a huge difference when compared to the days when you instantly thought of your grandfather in a horrific outfit playing with his retired friends when someone mentioned golf. A younger age group is becoming more and more attracted to the game and with every one person who starts to play not long after a group of friends will follow. This example allows us to be able to picture what direction the popularity level is heading towards for golf. It is safe to say that most probably this multi-billion dollar industry is not done growing.

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