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When playing any sport there is always room for some improvement. One small piece of advise can completely change the outcome of your game. Getting some tips for golf can be very helpful because the slightest movement can make all the difference. Here are some great tips that you can maybe apply to your game strategy and see if it will improve the way you play the game. There are not a lot of courses that are completely flat so remember that when you are uphill you will end up hitting your ball higher than you want and to the left of your actual target. If you play the ball slightly forward and move slightly to the right it will help you aim the ball to the correct target and swing easy so that you don't lose your balance.

During a golf swing the body moves from one side to the other which can greatly effect where your ball ends up. Try to avoid moving your head side to side and even up or down. Try to practice by doing practice swings with your feet together when shifting your weight during your swing try to focus your weight on the inside of your right foot. Record your progress by playing when the sun is behind you so that you could be watching your shadow when taking your swings. This will help you see where you need some improvement. To avoid spinning out which involves violently turning your upper body and head. Try to keep still and put in 80% of your energy in to it. There is also topping the ball which has to do with when the club face hits too high on the ball. This can be caused by trying to hit the ball too hard which causes premature leg and body action and delays the release of the clubhead. To correct keep your head still and extend your arms out.

Toe shots are caused by contact of the ball to the toe of the clubhead this can allow weak shots. Swaying can cause the toe shots and you end up staying back in your backswing. While letting your right elbow come down try to transfer your weight from top of swing diagonally toward the right of the target. Spraying can be caused by that are off-target but without consistency. Check your stance and grip and try to keep your head behind the ball through impact. Make sure to keep your head steady and fully extend your arms. Do not let your legs get too far ahead of your arms and hands in the downswing. One more common problem is losing distance. To avoid losing distance just make sure to make a full turn and maintain a relaxed body with a light grip. Make sure to keep your left side firm with the left knee bent through the impact. Always swing through the ball and not at it.

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